
Premiados de mi canal de Twitch (edición 2020-21)

Listado del 2020-21 con los premios que he sorteado en www.twitch.tv/freshbane y sus ganadores. En orden ascendente.


ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) (rek607)

Borderlands 3 (pijivonchops)

Space Engineers (instaosom)

Space Engineers (deyzhista)

Nongunz (inbeattation)

Outward (deyzhista)

Killing Floor 2 (pijivonchops)

Oxenfree (PEPOJVC88)

Crash Time 2 (instaosom)

Reptilians Must Die!  (adjany)

When Ski Lifts Go Wrong (eltrollarca)

LEGO® The Hobbit™ (achumare)

Bloody Boobs (adjany)

Age of Wonders III (xofo45)

Full Throttle Remastered (mick4)

Potatoman Seeks the Troof (achumare)

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut (ireth)

Psychonauts (instaosom)

Broforce (rek607)

Sea of Thieves (serralirico)

Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter (deyzhista)

Risen 2: Dark Waters (mroizo)

Sacred 2: Gold Edition (mroizo)

Saints Row 2 (mroizo)

Saints Row: The Third (mroizo)

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